
We bring you the very best in wedding speech information to make your wedding the most memorable ever!

We want to help you overcome any fear of giving a great wedding speech, so you feel good, and add some real heartfelt words to a wonderful day.

And remember these simple tips to overcome any fear of giving a memorable wedding speech:

  1. Know what message and words you want to convey
  2. Get organized well before the big day – research and prepare
  3. Practice, practice, and practice some more
  4. Challenge any worries you may have and let them go
  5. Visualize your success in making the day memorable for all
  6. Do some deep breathing. It does help
  7. Focus on your words, message and story, not on the audience
  8. And if there’s a moment of silence, feel no fear (they’re all listening)
  9. And remember again to breath, smile and enjoy the beautiful occasion
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